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Men Should Have No Opinion Concerning What Women Do With Their Bodies – Angel Smith


Reality TV star, Angel Smith, on Wednesday, revealed that men should have no opinion over what women do to their bodies.

The former Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye finalist made this known on her Twitter page on Wednesday night.

Addressing men, the 21-year-old writer stated that they should have no opinion concerning what women choose to do with their bodies.

According to her, such choices include the use of intrauterine devices for pregnancy prevention, abortion, plastic surgery, or even a change of clothes.

The reality TV star added that she hoped that women, especially those from Africa, would be given more autonomy over their bodies.

She also hoped that women would find the courage to fight for autonomy over what they do with their bodies.

 Angel wrote, “As a man, you shouldn’t have an opinion on what women do with their bodies.

Not IUDs, abortion, plastic surgery, choice of clothes, etc; nothing

“Hopefully, women are given more autonomy over their bodies and more women find the courage to fight for their autonomy; especially African women.”

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