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I Am Passionate About Development In Ihiala --- Nnabuife



Mr. Chuka Nnabuife an Ihiala-born renowned journalist, author and cultural ambassador of Nigeria from Anambra state says he is passionate about development and economic advancement of Ihiala local government area especially as he believes that the council area will thrive alot with democratic instruments. 

Nnabuife who stated this in his office in Awka during an exclusive interview with our correspondent, explained that Ihiala is situated in the middle of Igboland. Though not particularly a mining town but believes that Ihiala is not lacking possibilities for mineral resources. 

He said Ihiala may not particularly be a trading town but it is surrounded by trading cities such as Onitsha, Nnewi and  conspicuously on the route to Orlu, Owerri and Aba in Abia state, adding that Ihiala is a location that requires a lot of smart thinking and smart legislative instruments to position it where it should be. 

Nnabuife believes very strongly that Ihiala is a place with very high deposits of human capital but expressed worry that the human resource are not being harnessed to help the young ones grow and develop themselves further. 

According to him, Ihiala is one of the oldest divisions created in the history of Nigeria yet it has remained a single division since its creation  when its contemporaries like Nnewi,  Aguata, Onitsha and some others have been splitted into two or more divisions. 

Nnabuife who currently functions as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Anambra Newspapers and Printing Corporation, noted that Ihiala is in dire need of the right policies and legislative instruments to get its proper position in the polity. 

The Fellow of Nigerian Arts maintained that Ihiala needs people who can advance its course which according to him, is the remote reason he believes he could provide the needed legislative representation that will bestow Ihiala its true befitting status. 

He said, "  I am from Ubuluisiuzo in Ihiala local government area of Anambra state. Nobody from Ubuluisiuzo has ever represented Ihiala at the state or federal legislature not even in the local government council. So it is with our neighbouring community Osumoghu. " 

He was of the opinion that if a man from Ubuluisiuzo has the capacity to represent Ihiala  at the state, federal or International constituency,  the people of Ihiala should endorse his aspiration and galvanise support for him. 

Nnabuife said,  "  We have not had an Ubuluisiuzo man in any appointive position be it chairman of local government, be it House of Reps or House of Assembly ssembly or Senate since Ihiala emerged as a division in the 70s. " 

Mr. Chuka Nnabuife

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