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Nanka traditional stool from Uzo

Igwe Ezeilo, PG, others assure there is No Crisis In Nanka Community


By Chukwudum Ebele


The leadership of Nanka Community in Orumba North Local Government Area of Anambra State led by the Traditional Ruler, Igwe Godwin Ezeilo and Nanka Patrotic  Union(NPU) President General, Chief Paul Chinedu has maintained that there is no Chieftaincy crisis in their community.


The assurance was made during a recent Press conference cum press release jointly signed by Igwe Ezeilo and Chief Paul Chinedu at the Igwe's palace, Ifite Nanka.


The press conference which was on behalf of the entire Nanka people, home and abroad, comprising and ably represented from the Indigenous seven villages Agbiligba, Enugwu, Ifite, Amako, Umudala, Ubahu and Etti was held to correct the erroneous impression created in an earlier press conference made by one Sir. Ben Okeke said to be representing the Ezeokweghi/Ezeofor Ward/family on the 18th of August, 2020.


According to the press release read by PG, Chinedu " Nanka community condemns the inaccurate and fallacious impression by Sir Ben Okeke in his press conference claiming there is leadership crisis in Nanka or any attempt to subvert the wheel of Justice anywhere in the  country.


"The purveyors of such claims who are self seeking and self serving,  represent only themselves in their quest to corner the Chieftaincy stool of Nanka thereby postponing their generations to be Kings  forever. Ezeokweghi/Ezeofor family is just one administrative Ward out of twenty three operational wards recognized by the NPU and Nanka Town Union and Chieftaincy Constitution 2011.


"The key important provision of Nanka Constitution which include that of 1977 and 2011 states that 'Chieftaincy at Nanka is not hereditary...' the later provided for democratic and rotational Chieftaincy Stool in Nanka.


"It may interest you to note that Chief Sir. C. C. Obele and Sir. Ben Okeke as representative of the Ezeokweghi/Ezeofor family participated in the meetings that produced the draft which was the harmonization of Nanka Chieftaincy Constitution 1977 and NPU Constitution 1990 that later became the 2011 Constitution.


 "The Nanka Town Union and Chieftaincy Constitution,2011 became the extant law in the administration of affairs in Nanka. Moreover, Igwe Gilbert Oformata as the Grand patron was in attendance, Chief Ben Okeke and their Ezeokweghi/Ezeofor Ward fully participated when the 2011 construction was used to elect NPU officers", they said.


In his remarks, Igwe Ezeilo said that Crisis in Nanka community was a figment of Sir Ben Okeke's and other few individuals' warped imagination.


"It is bad Sir Ben Okeke did not state that he and his backers initiated the Suit case which triggered other cases that have so far woefully failed to give semblance of crisis in Nanka.


Moreover, one of Nanka legal advisers and Harmonization committee head, Barr Clifford Iloegbunam Okoye argued that if Sir Ben Okeke and his cohorts alleged fraud and forgery of the 2011 Constitution, the accusers should provide the genuine Constitution from which it was forged from.


Meanwhile, earlier in the Sir Ben Okeke's August 18, 2020 press conference claimed the amended Constitution made provision for the rotation of the monarch stool among five communities against  original seven saying that since the amendment of the constitution, peace has eluded Nnaka with residents going from  one court to another and from one police station to another.


Ezeokweghi/Ezeofor  Royal Family  dissatisfied with the constitution accused the town union executives of foisting unacceptable constitution  on the town, vowing that they will fight against the amended constitution, using all legal means.


The family also accused the union of misleading the attorney general and commissioner for justice in ordering for indefinite suspension of cases in the court.They alleged that the constitution was not amended by the town but  was tinkered by  few selected individual who wanted to create crisis  and tension in the town for their selfish interest.


The leader of  family  , Chief Ben Okeke  said during a press briefing  in Awka,  Anambra State capital  that after the purported  amendment of the  constitution, the then traditional ruler refused to signed  it  because it was inconsistent with  the tradition and custom of the town.


According to  him,  on presentation of the purported amended constitution to the public , the family reported  cases of  forgery to  the police which was  investigated  those responsible were charged to court.


He stated that in 2011 four indigenes of the  town in a bid to thwart the will of the people forged Nanka Patriotic Union constitution, merged two villages two deprive them from producing a monarch.


Pics:Igwe Godwin Ezeilo flanked by PG, Chief Paul Chinedu during the press conference at Igwe's palace, Nanka.

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